screens and folders
Chris Zenchenko
2017-05-04 15:12:58 UTC
Two questions.
Is there a way to review info from a long output dump without requesting it
again with a pipe to more or something similar?
For example there are long menus that fill more than a single screen and I
can't find a way to get speak-up to go past the top of the last screen.
In those cases you can't use a pipe because you are not in control of the

Second question.
Is there an easy way to change in and out of folders or access files with
long or complicated names?
My memory ain't what it was.
I'm constantly wanting to get in to a folder but after doing an ls command
and reading carefully the insane names people use for names cd to nowhere
because I typed the name wrong.
Same for editing. There has to be some easy way to do this!
I get that files and folders should have names that tell you as much as
possible but the mix of letters and symbols along with the length is
straining what little brain power I have left.
2017-05-04 15:16:32 UTC
Chris Zenchenko <***@gmail.com> wrote:
Is there an easy way to change in and out of folders or access files with
long or complicated names?

Sure, use speakup's copy/paste function.
Bring the speakup cursor to the first character of the file name or pathname, press numpad slash. Then navigate to the end of the string and press slash again. Then you can do Cd, space, then speakup+numpad slash to paste.
That's for the desktop layout. I don't know about the laptop one.
Gregory Nowak
2017-05-04 22:28:48 UTC
Post by Rob
Sure, use speakup's copy/paste function.
Another way is to use a web browser such as lynx to name one example
as a file manager. I know there are as well dedicated file managers such as
midnight commander. I believe emacs also has a mode to manage files
and directories, but I haven't used either of those options myself.

web site: http://www.gregn.net
gpg public key: http://www.gregn.net/pubkey.asc
skype: gregn1
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Tom Fowle
2017-05-05 01:13:13 UTC
I've seen references to alt-pageup supposedly reviewing the command line
screen buffer, but only found it work rarely.

As for typing long names, tab completion helps if you get the first few
letters correct.

And there is the speakup clip board which I couldn't live without

Tom Fowle
Post by Chris Zenchenko
Two questions.
Is there a way to review info from a long output dump without requesting it
again with a pipe to more or something similar?
For example there are long menus that fill more than a single screen and I
can't find a way to get speak-up to go past the top of the last screen.
In those cases you can't use a pipe because you are not in control of the
Second question.
Is there an easy way to change in and out of folders or access files with
long or complicated names?
My memory ain't what it was.
I'm constantly wanting to get in to a folder but after doing an ls command
and reading carefully the insane names people use for names cd to nowhere
because I typed the name wrong.
Same for editing. There has to be some easy way to do this!
I get that files and folders should have names that tell you as much as
possible but the mix of letters and symbols along with the length is
straining what little brain power I have left.
Speakup mailing list
Tony Baechler
2017-05-05 10:55:07 UTC
Post by Chris Zenchenko
Is there a way to review info from a long output dump without requesting it
again with a pipe to more or something similar?
Scrollback support has been discussed, but the short answer is not that I'm
aware. That would be helpful. Samuel posted about this, but I think the
priority is getting the current kernel patches pushed first. You could try
David's Speakup mods, but I couldn't get them to compile on 4.6.4 and you
would have to compile your own kernel.
Post by Chris Zenchenko
Is there an easy way to change in and out of folders or access files with
long or complicated names?
I suggest a file manager. Lynx the cat has this ability, but I like Ranger.
It's in Debian and most major distros. There is also ncdu. While it's
actually not a file manager, it does let you change folders and perform
basic tasks. There are many other options. Search the list archives for a
long discussion on this. I would start with Ranger first.

Also, I assume you know about tab completion? If you enter part of a file or
folder name and press Tab, your shell should either complete the name or
beep, indicating there is more than one match. Pressing Tab a second time
gives you the list of matches.
