debian wheezy upgrade with doubletalk
Tom Fowle
2017-08-08 05:42:36 UTC
running Debian 3.2.60-1+deb7u3 i686
on an Asus 32 bit board with a doubletalk PC.

Having more and more troubles with ssl "unable to get secure connection"

Have done
apt-get update

Presume I should do
apt-get upgrade

but not sure if I must limit to a particular kernel to be sure the synth
will still work. If so, how do I do that and what version is safe?

Or could I do something like
upgrade open-ssl

Many secure sites still work, but the problems increase.
tom Fowle
Gregory Nowak
2017-08-08 20:57:14 UTC
Post by Tom Fowle
Having more and more troubles with ssl "unable to get secure connection"
Have done
apt-get update
Presume I should do
apt-get upgrade
Yes, apt-get dist-upgrade likely wouldn't hurt either. I am still
running a couple wheezy installs which I haven't migrated to devuan
yet, and am not seeing any ssl connection issues.
Post by Tom Fowle
but not sure if I must limit to a particular kernel to be sure the synth
will still work. If so, how do I do that and what version is safe?
Yes, as I've explained to you privately a while back, be sure you boot
with your wheezy 3.2.0 kernel if you want your doubletalk pc board to
still work with speakup. The simplest way to do that is to not install
a newer linux-image package. If you currently have a linux-image meta
package installed, uninstall it before you upgrade.
Post by Tom Fowle
Or could I do something like
upgrade open-ssl
I'd suspect ca-certificates to be out of date more than openssl. Try a
dist-upgrade first.

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