Problem installing ProFTPD
Steve Matzura
2016-01-02 16:25:21 UTC
The following is purely a visual impairment issue.

When installing ProFTPD, a dialog box is displayed wherein I must
choose whether to run it as a standalone service or via inet. I don't
know which is the default choice, and there's no graphic next to the
choices to indicate which one is checked or otherwise selected.
However, the choice "from inet" is in gray, while the word
"standalone" is gray on red, and so is the "Ok" button. For those not
in the know, screenreader software can inform us who use it about
things like that. So, which is the chosen option, and if I were
desirous of changing to the other, how is that done? I've tried tab,
spacebar, arrows, plus/minus keys, it doesn't change.

Thanks in advance.
2016-01-02 16:29:46 UTC
Last time I did this, it was up and down arrows to switch. Make sure
you have speakup set to dcursor on. Its been a while, so they may have
changed things.
Post by Steve Matzura
The following is purely a visual impairment issue.
When installing ProFTPD, a dialog box is displayed wherein I must
choose whether to run it as a standalone service or via inet. I don't
know which is the default choice, and there's no graphic next to the
choices to indicate which one is checked or otherwise selected.
However, the choice "from inet" is in gray, while the word
"standalone" is gray on red, and so is the "Ok" button. For those not
in the know, screenreader software can inform us who use it about
things like that. So, which is the chosen option, and if I were
desirous of changing to the other, how is that done? I've tried tab,
spacebar, arrows, plus/minus keys, it doesn't change.
Thanks in advance.
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John Covici
Jason White
2016-01-02 16:38:11 UTC
Post by c***@ccs.covici.com
Last time I did this, it was up and down arrows to switch. Make sure
you have speakup set to dcursor on. Its been a while, so they may have
changed things.
If you're using a Debian-based distribution, you can change the configuration
of the dialogue system so that you can choose options by entering a number
rather than by moving a highlight through a list.

I can't remember the details of how to do it, but your preferred Web search
engine should be able to bring forth the details, as may someone on the list
who has reconfigured it.
Steve Matzura
2016-01-02 17:33:36 UTC
I figured it out after much playing around and gnashing of teeth. When
I pressed TAB, the OK button turned a different color, and then the
up- and down-arrow keys let me make a choice as to which type of
install I wanted, standalone or inet. I assumed the one with colors
other than gray was the active choice, because when I tabbed off the
list of choices and back to the OK button, which turned red, the
chosen option in the above box was also red, so I assumed that meant
the one in the same color as the OK button was the selected option.
Hope I was right!
Steve Matzura
2016-01-03 12:39:36 UTC
You were. Standalone is best for my purposes.
Post by Steve Matzura
Hope I was right!
What was your choice? Inet or standalone?