Debian upgrade to Jessie
Tom Fowle
2015-05-18 02:26:36 UTC
Hi all,
finally realized Debian 8.0 Jessie is released.
I see nothing in a quick perusal of the release notes effecting
or anything else i care about, but-----

Using an old 1.3 gig Asus P2b with doubletalk PC internal.

Are there any risks in just doing a straight upgrade from currently
installed recently updated wheezie using
apt-get upgrade

Should I worry about backing up much, not really anything critical on

I use almost entirely command line simple stuff, lynx, links, mutt and


Tom Fowle
2015-05-18 02:41:09 UTC
Hi Tom. I would suggest you test Jessie with a live cd, and if that
works, then upgrade.

Gene Collins
Mike Ray
2015-05-18 07:21:50 UTC

I did a full net install of Debian Jessie rather than upgrade Wheezy to
Jessie to Wheezy because Jessie gives alternative desktops.

I picked the Mate desktop and it works very well, and accessibility is

Debian Jessie now includes Emacspeak in the repos, so no need to build
it from source.

I have found no big accessibility problems.

Post by a***@icsmail.net
Hi Tom. I would suggest you test Jessie with a live cd, and if that
works, then upgrade.
Gene Collins
Speakup mailing list
Michael A. Ray
Witley, Surrey, South-east UK

"In the beginning there was Debian, and Ubuntu was without form, and void"

Eyes-free Linux:
Tom Fowle
2015-05-19 01:20:26 UTC
Thanks all for various comments.
I did read the wikki but didn't seem to find anything about speakup.
is my only serious interest in screen readers for now.
Yes use brltty also but unfortunately brltty's speech system doesn't
the doubletalk.
My box is too slow for software speech unless I want a lot of naps.

I believe running version 3.2.60-1+deb7u3

Looks like my cowardly best bet is to wait till more experienced users
a go.
Since I don't care about multiple desktops only reason to upgrade
to be so as not to get behind the upgrades and eventually have to
Tom Fowle
Post by Mike Ray
I did a full net install of Debian Jessie rather than upgrade Wheezy to
Jessie to Wheezy because Jessie gives alternative desktops.
I picked the Mate desktop and it works very well, and accessibility is
Debian Jessie now includes Emacspeak in the repos, so no need to build
it from source.
I have found no big accessibility problems.
Post by a***@icsmail.net
Hi Tom. I would suggest you test Jessie with a live cd, and if that
works, then upgrade.
Gene Collins
Speakup mailing list
Michael A. Ray
Witley, Surrey, South-east UK
"In the beginning there was Debian, and Ubuntu was without form, and void"
Speakup mailing list
John G Heim
2015-05-19 16:49:04 UTC
Have you tried using software speech on your machine? I would be very
surprised if it really is too slow. I used to have a laptop with a
original Pentium processor and 56Mb of ram. That is not a typo, 56Mb of
ram. Speakup with software speech ran fine. I used to walk around my
house streaming the audio portion of TV shows on it. I also have a
machine that is the mid-90s equivalent of a raspberry pi. This machine
has a 486 processor and 256Mb of ram. It's a Soekris 4801 in case you're
curious. Anyway, it runs speakup with software speech just fine.

I guess it might depend on what else you are doing on your machine. But
if your machine is slow, I would doubt that the problem is primarily
with software speech.
Post by Tom Fowle
Thanks all for various comments.
I did read the wikki but didn't seem to find anything about speakup.
is my only serious interest in screen readers for now.
Yes use brltty also but unfortunately brltty's speech system doesn't
the doubletalk.
My box is too slow for software speech unless I want a lot of naps.
I believe running version 3.2.60-1+deb7u3
Looks like my cowardly best bet is to wait till more experienced users
a go.
Since I don't care about multiple desktops only reason to upgrade
to be so as not to get behind the upgrades and eventually have to
Tom Fowle
Post by Mike Ray
I did a full net install of Debian Jessie rather than upgrade Wheezy to
Jessie to Wheezy because Jessie gives alternative desktops.
I picked the Mate desktop and it works very well, and accessibility is
Debian Jessie now includes Emacspeak in the repos, so no need to build
it from source.
I have found no big accessibility problems.
Post by a***@icsmail.net
Hi Tom. I would suggest you test Jessie with a live cd, and if that
works, then upgrade.
Gene Collins
Speakup mailing list
Michael A. Ray
Witley, Surrey, South-east UK
"In the beginning there was Debian, and Ubuntu was without form, and void"
Speakup mailing list
Speakup mailing list
John Heim, ***@math.wisc.edu, skype:john.g.heim
Tom Fowle
2015-05-20 02:02:25 UTC
Johnny and all,
I have tried orca with espeak on this box and the latency is horrible.
the speech speed its self is fine, so I didn't state my original
it's the latency/speed of response that drives me nuts with orca and

I'll try speakup with espeak see how that works.

I had only minor problems getting speakup with the doubletalk PC working
wheezie, the installer worked rite off, but speakup wouldn't start on
until I removed brltty info from
Then both speakup and brltty started at boot fine.
As I recall from previous discussions on this list, the problems in
kernels are with serial synths. Some have indicated this may not relate
the DTLK internal.

Afraid I'm much too much of a wimp to try compiling a kernel but I'll
at the mentioned page. and see how much I quiver with fear <GRIN>

Tom Fowle
Post by John G Heim
Have you tried using software speech on your machine? I would be very
surprised if it really is too slow. I used to have a laptop with a
original Pentium processor and 56Mb of ram. That is not a typo, 56Mb of
ram. Speakup with software speech ran fine. I used to walk around my
house streaming the audio portion of TV shows on it. I also have a
machine that is the mid-90s equivalent of a raspberry pi. This machine
has a 486 processor and 256Mb of ram. It's a Soekris 4801 in case you're
curious. Anyway, it runs speakup with software speech just fine.
I guess it might depend on what else you are doing on your machine. But
if your machine is slow, I would doubt that the problem is primarily
with software speech.
Post by Tom Fowle
Thanks all for various comments.
I did read the wikki but didn't seem to find anything about speakup.
is my only serious interest in screen readers for now.
Yes use brltty also but unfortunately brltty's speech system doesn't
the doubletalk.
My box is too slow for software speech unless I want a lot of naps.
I believe running version 3.2.60-1+deb7u3
Looks like my cowardly best bet is to wait till more experienced users
a go.
Since I don't care about multiple desktops only reason to upgrade
to be so as not to get behind the upgrades and eventually have to
Tom Fowle
Post by Mike Ray
I did a full net install of Debian Jessie rather than upgrade Wheezy to
Jessie to Wheezy because Jessie gives alternative desktops.
I picked the Mate desktop and it works very well, and accessibility is
Debian Jessie now includes Emacspeak in the repos, so no need to build
it from source.
I have found no big accessibility problems.
Post by a***@icsmail.net
Hi Tom. I would suggest you test Jessie with a live cd, and if that
works, then upgrade.
Gene Collins
Speakup mailing list
Michael A. Ray
Witley, Surrey, South-east UK
"In the beginning there was Debian, and Ubuntu was without form, and void"
Speakup mailing list
Speakup mailing list
Speakup mailing list
John G Heim
2015-05-19 17:03:20 UTC
There is a page on my space on the web site of the International
Association Of Visually Impaired Technologists that explains how to get
a doubletalk working with speakup. You do have to compile a kernel and
that may be something you don't want to try. It is really not that
difficult but you can make it so your machine doesn't boot if you do it
wrong. You're not likely to do that but it can happen.

Anyway, you could try mypage at http://www.iavit.org/~john/debian/ for
more information. I'll see if I can compile a kernel for debian jessie
sometime over the next week. I have eleventy gazillion irons in the fire
right now so I cannot promise anything.
Post by Tom Fowle
Thanks all for various comments.
I did read the wikki but didn't seem to find anything about speakup.
is my only serious interest in screen readers for now.
Yes use brltty also but unfortunately brltty's speech system doesn't
the doubletalk.
My box is too slow for software speech unless I want a lot of naps.
I believe running version 3.2.60-1+deb7u3
Looks like my cowardly best bet is to wait till more experienced users
a go.
Since I don't care about multiple desktops only reason to upgrade
to be so as not to get behind the upgrades and eventually have to
Tom Fowle
Post by Mike Ray
I did a full net install of Debian Jessie rather than upgrade Wheezy to
Jessie to Wheezy because Jessie gives alternative desktops.
I picked the Mate desktop and it works very well, and accessibility is
Debian Jessie now includes Emacspeak in the repos, so no need to build
it from source.
I have found no big accessibility problems.
Post by a***@icsmail.net
Hi Tom. I would suggest you test Jessie with a live cd, and if that
works, then upgrade.
Gene Collins
Speakup mailing list
Michael A. Ray
Witley, Surrey, South-east UK
"In the beginning there was Debian, and Ubuntu was without form, and void"
Speakup mailing list
Speakup mailing list
John Heim, ***@math.wisc.edu, skype:john.g.heim
Tom Fowle
2015-05-20 04:20:56 UTC
Trying to test speakup with espeak on wheezie.
Installed espeakup package
made /dev/softsynth as per instructions in speakupguide

first there is no
closest I can find is
when try, as root, to
echo soft >/sys/modules/speakup/parameters/synth
get permission denied
when run espeakup get
cannot open softhsynth, no such device.
/dev/softhsynth exists.
Oh yes, espeak is on system, works with orca

Tom Fowle
Post by John G Heim
There is a page on my space on the web site of the International
Association Of Visually Impaired Technologists that explains how to get
a doubletalk working with speakup. You do have to compile a kernel and
that may be something you don't want to try. It is really not that
difficult but you can make it so your machine doesn't boot if you do it
wrong. You're not likely to do that but it can happen.
Anyway, you could try mypage at http://www.iavit.org/~john/debian/ for
more information. I'll see if I can compile a kernel for debian jessie
sometime over the next week. I have eleventy gazillion irons in the fire
right now so I cannot promise anything.
Post by Tom Fowle
Thanks all for various comments.
I did read the wikki but didn't seem to find anything about speakup.
is my only serious interest in screen readers for now.
Yes use brltty also but unfortunately brltty's speech system doesn't
the doubletalk.
My box is too slow for software speech unless I want a lot of naps.
I believe running version 3.2.60-1+deb7u3
Looks like my cowardly best bet is to wait till more experienced users
a go.
Since I don't care about multiple desktops only reason to upgrade
to be so as not to get behind the upgrades and eventually have to
Tom Fowle
Post by Mike Ray
I did a full net install of Debian Jessie rather than upgrade Wheezy to
Jessie to Wheezy because Jessie gives alternative desktops.
I picked the Mate desktop and it works very well, and accessibility is
Debian Jessie now includes Emacspeak in the repos, so no need to build
it from source.
I have found no big accessibility problems.
Post by a***@icsmail.net
Hi Tom. I would suggest you test Jessie with a live cd, and if that
works, then upgrade.
Gene Collins
Speakup mailing list
Michael A. Ray
Witley, Surrey, South-east UK
"In the beginning there was Debian, and Ubuntu was without form, and void"
Speakup mailing list
Speakup mailing list
Speakup mailing list
Gregory Nowak
2015-05-20 04:45:07 UTC
You need to load the soft_synth module as root, like this:

modprobe soft_synth

BTW, I, like you, have a system with a doubletalk pc. My box is a 1.1GHz
pentium III with 768 megs of ram. I am still running wheezy on my
boxes, but see no reason why jessie shouldn't work for you. If I
upgrade to jessie before you report on your experience, I'll post here
on how that went for this particular box. I probably won't get around
to upgrading my machines until a few months from now though.

You should have no problem using speakup with espeak/espeakup on your
machine. Your orca experience doesn't surprise me though. Good luck.

Post by Tom Fowle
Trying to test speakup with espeak on wheezie.
Installed espeakup package
made /dev/softsynth as per instructions in speakupguide
first there is no
closest I can find is
when try, as root, to
echo soft >/sys/modules/speakup/parameters/synth
get permission denied
when run espeakup get
cannot open softhsynth, no such device.
/dev/softhsynth exists.
Oh yes, espeak is on system, works with orca
Tom Fowle
web site: http://www.gregn.net
gpg public key: http://www.gregn.net/pubkey.asc
skype: gregn1
(authorization required, add me to your contacts list first)
If we haven't been in touch before, e-mail me before adding me to your contacts.

Free domains: http://www.eu.org/ or mail dns-***@EU.org
Tom Fowle
2015-05-23 04:54:56 UTC
Any thoughts on the feasibility of writing a dtlk driver for
Might make orca look better to those of us still choosing to use slow boxes.

I thought I had a memory that early orca could drive dtlk, probably

Tom Fowle
Chris Brannon
2015-05-23 08:10:58 UTC
Post by Tom Fowle
Any thoughts on the feasibility of writing a dtlk driver for
It shouldn't be too bad for someone with the will to do it.
People have been talking about writing hardware synth drivers for SD for
a long time, but no one has actually done it.

Also, I'm sorry to say that hardware speech will not make gnome and orca
more performant on an older box. The software speech is not a problem.
I've used espeakup on a Dell Lattitude C610 with a 700
MHz processor and 256 megabytes of RAM, and it performed beautifully. I
used the eflite speech server for emacspeak on a Toshiba Tecra laptop
with a 166 MHz CPU and 64 megabytes of RAM. Again, it performed like a
champ. In fact, this was my working environment for most of 2005.
Software speech just isn't that resource intensive. The only time it is
a problem is when the machine is under a painfully heavy load.
Post by Tom Fowle
I thought I had a memory that early orca could drive dtlk, probably
Orca used to be able to use emacspeak speech servers. Hopefully it
still can. Anyway, there's an Emacspeak speech server for the
Doubletalk. It was part of the emacspeak-ss package on the old blinux
ftp site. That site seems to be dead now, but I think Debian is still
distributing emacspeak-ss.

Good luck,
-- Chris
Tom Fowle
2015-05-24 02:44:07 UTC
Chris and all,
I'll take a look at the various sources, but I suspect you're correct, I
just can't get it out of my head that soft speech is a big load.
Likely that gnome is slow cause of the load of all that graphics, not

I was looking at speakup and espeak just in case I upgraded to Jessie and
the dtlk didn't fly.
Post by Chris Brannon
Post by Tom Fowle
Any thoughts on the feasibility of writing a dtlk driver for
It shouldn't be too bad for someone with the will to do it.
People have been talking about writing hardware synth drivers for SD for
a long time, but no one has actually done it.
Also, I'm sorry to say that hardware speech will not make gnome and orca
more performant on an older box. The software speech is not a problem.
I've used espeakup on a Dell Lattitude C610 with a 700
MHz processor and 256 megabytes of RAM, and it performed beautifully. I
used the eflite speech server for emacspeak on a Toshiba Tecra laptop
with a 166 MHz CPU and 64 megabytes of RAM. Again, it performed like a
champ. In fact, this was my working environment for most of 2005.
Software speech just isn't that resource intensive. The only time it is
a problem is when the machine is under a painfully heavy load.
Post by Tom Fowle
I thought I had a memory that early orca could drive dtlk, probably
Orca used to be able to use emacspeak speech servers. Hopefully it
still can. Anyway, there's an Emacspeak speech server for the
Doubletalk. It was part of the emacspeak-ss package on the old blinux
ftp site. That site seems to be dead now, but I think Debian is still
distributing emacspeak-ss.
Good luck,
-- Chris
Speakup mailing list
John G. Heim
2015-05-24 15:20:09 UTC
Yeah, espeak came out at least 10 years ago so software speech itself
hasn't been the problem for at least that long. And I think it's more
like 15 years. Voxim might have been around even longer than that. You
can still find software synths that are resource hogs but if you use
espeak or voxim, the speech synth itself won't be the problem.
Post by Tom Fowle
Chris and all,
I'll take a look at the various sources, but I suspect you're correct, I
just can't get it out of my head that soft speech is a big load.
Likely that gnome is slow cause of the load of all that graphics, not
I was looking at speakup and espeak just in case I upgraded to Jessie and
the dtlk didn't fly.
Post by Chris Brannon
Post by Tom Fowle
Any thoughts on the feasibility of writing a dtlk driver for
It shouldn't be too bad for someone with the will to do it.
People have been talking about writing hardware synth drivers for SD for
a long time, but no one has actually done it.
Also, I'm sorry to say that hardware speech will not make gnome and orca
more performant on an older box. The software speech is not a problem.
I've used espeakup on a Dell Lattitude C610 with a 700
MHz processor and 256 megabytes of RAM, and it performed beautifully. I
used the eflite speech server for emacspeak on a Toshiba Tecra laptop
with a 166 MHz CPU and 64 megabytes of RAM. Again, it performed like a
champ. In fact, this was my working environment for most of 2005.
Software speech just isn't that resource intensive. The only time it is
a problem is when the machine is under a painfully heavy load.
Post by Tom Fowle
I thought I had a memory that early orca could drive dtlk, probably
Orca used to be able to use emacspeak speech servers. Hopefully it
still can. Anyway, there's an Emacspeak speech server for the
Doubletalk. It was part of the emacspeak-ss package on the old blinux
ftp site. That site seems to be dead now, but I think Debian is still
distributing emacspeak-ss.
Good luck,
-- Chris
Speakup mailing list
Speakup mailing list
2015-05-23 10:24:03 UTC
Sure, its quite possible, look at the speech dispatcher info files, they
have a protocol for thedrivers and if you know c, it didn't look too
hard when I last looked.
Post by Tom Fowle
Any thoughts on the feasibility of writing a dtlk driver for
Might make orca look better to those of us still choosing to use slow boxes.
I thought I had a memory that early orca could drive dtlk, probably
Tom Fowle
Speakup mailing list
Your life is like a penny. You're going to lose it. The question is:
How do
you spend it?

John Covici
Chris Brannon
2015-05-23 07:43:42 UTC
Post by Tom Fowle
Trying to test speakup with espeak on wheezie.
Installed espeakup package
made /dev/softsynth as per instructions in speakupguide
To me, it looks like you are lacking the softsynth module, which is
named speakup_soft. What is the output of
lsmod |grep speakup

-- Chris
Tom Fowle
2015-05-24 02:30:09 UTC
output of
lsmod |grep speakup
speakup_dtlk 12589 0
speakup 66873 1 speakup_dtlk
Assume I can download the softsynth device from the speakup modules site
Post by Chris Brannon
Post by Tom Fowle
Trying to test speakup with espeak on wheezie.
Installed espeakup package
made /dev/softsynth as per instructions in speakupguide
To me, it looks like you are lacking the softsynth module, which is
named speakup_soft. What is the output of
lsmod |grep speakup
-- Chris
Speakup mailing list
2015-05-24 03:09:08 UTC
Post by Tom Fowle
Assume I can download the softsynth device from the speakup modules site
Did you compile your own kernel? I think you probably did. If you want
software speech, you're going to have to compile it again. Just choose
to build software speech as a module the same way you chose to build the
dtlk driver as a module. It's on the same menu.

Good luck and 73,
-- Chris
Tom Fowle
2015-05-24 03:33:33 UTC
Yipes, no, running an out-of-the-box install of Debian Wheezie
Installed espeakup as a debian package with apt-get
Post by c***@the-brannons.com
Post by Tom Fowle
Assume I can download the softsynth device from the speakup modules site
Did you compile your own kernel? I think you probably did. If you want
software speech, you're going to have to compile it again. Just choose
to build software speech as a module the same way you chose to build the
dtlk driver as a module. It's on the same menu.
Good luck and 73,
-- Chris
Speakup mailing list
2015-05-24 04:06:40 UTC
Post by Tom Fowle
Yipes, no, running an out-of-the-box install of Debian Wheezie
Ok, I've obviously been out of it for the last couple days...
Sorry for misleading you a bit due to muddled thinking.
A simple
modprobe speakup_soft
should suffice.
And then start espeakup.

-- Chris
Tom Fowle
2015-05-24 04:49:19 UTC
Works, thought I'd tried that before.
Did find out that I'd failed to disable pulseaudio on installing debbian
so will go that.
Post by c***@the-brannons.com
Post by Tom Fowle
Yipes, no, running an out-of-the-box install of Debian Wheezie
Ok, I've obviously been out of it for the last couple days...
Sorry for misleading you a bit due to muddled thinking.
A simple
modprobe speakup_soft
should suffice.
And then start espeakup.
-- Chris
Speakup mailing list
John G. Heim
2015-05-24 14:43:33 UTC
The softsynth module should be included in every kernel these days.

$ sudo modprobe speakup_soft

If you have an external doubletalk, it won't work unless you patch and
recompile the kernel. An internal doubletalk will.

I just made a virtual 32 bit debian machine Friday evening that I
intend to use to recompile the debian kernel with the speakup paatch
every time they come out with a new kernel. I think I can make it so it
just runs all the time and when there is a new kernel, it upgrades
itself, reboots, recompiles the kernel with the patch, and posts it to
my debian repository on www.iavit.org -- I think.
Post by c***@the-brannons.com
Post by Tom Fowle
Assume I can download the softsynth device from the speakup modules site
Did you compile your own kernel? I think you probably did. If you want
software speech, you're going to have to compile it again. Just choose
to build software speech as a module the same way you chose to build the
dtlk driver as a module. It's on the same menu.
Good luck and 73,
-- Chris
Speakup mailing list
Tom Fowle
2015-08-01 03:55:43 UTC
Has anybody yet got round to upgrading Debian from Wheezie to Jessie while
using speakup and a hardware synth E.G. doubletalk PC?

If so were there any problems? Does jessie come up talking after the
tom Fowle
Gregory Nowak
2015-08-01 06:27:56 UTC
As I have stated before Tom, you shouldn't experience problems with your
doubletalk pc when upgrading to debian jessie. I am staying with
wheezy for the moment on all my boxes. I have decided to upgrade to
devuan jessie once it becomes stable, so will not be upgrading to
debian jessie as I said I would before.

However, if you don't get any positive responses, and if getting one
would make you feel better about the upgrade process, I can backup my
doubletalk pc box, and upgrade it to debian jessie to see how that
goes, and report back.

Post by Tom Fowle
Has anybody yet got round to upgrading Debian from Wheezie to Jessie while
using speakup and a hardware synth E.G. doubletalk PC?
If so were there any problems? Does jessie come up talking after the
tom Fowle
Speakup mailing list
web site: http://www.gregn.net
gpg public key: http://www.gregn.net/pubkey.asc
skype: gregn1
(authorization required, add me to your contacts list first)
If we haven't been in touch before, e-mail me before adding me to your contacts.

Free domains: http://www.eu.org/ or mail dns-***@EU.org
Tom Fowle
2015-08-02 02:03:34 UTC
Don't want you to go to trouble just cause I'm a bit of a chicken, (fowle)

You intrigue me with "Devuan", will have to find out about that.

Post by Gregory Nowak
As I have stated before Tom, you shouldn't experience problems with your
doubletalk pc when upgrading to debian jessie. I am staying with
wheezy for the moment on all my boxes. I have decided to upgrade to
devuan jessie once it becomes stable, so will not be upgrading to
debian jessie as I said I would before.
However, if you don't get any positive responses, and if getting one
would make you feel better about the upgrade process, I can backup my
doubletalk pc box, and upgrade it to debian jessie to see how that
goes, and report back.
Post by Tom Fowle
Has anybody yet got round to upgrading Debian from Wheezie to Jessie while
using speakup and a hardware synth E.G. doubletalk PC?
If so were there any problems? Does jessie come up talking after the
tom Fowle
Speakup mailing list
web site: http://www.gregn.net
gpg public key: http://www.gregn.net/pubkey.asc
skype: gregn1
(authorization required, add me to your contacts list first)
If we haven't been in touch before, e-mail me before adding me to your contacts.
Speakup mailing list
Tony Baechler
2015-08-01 09:37:19 UTC
Replies inline below.
Post by Tom Fowle
Has anybody yet got round to upgrading Debian from Wheezie to Jessie while
using speakup and a hardware synth E.G. doubletalk PC?
Yes, I have upgraded my desktop machine. Actually I was still running a
Lenny, Squeeze and Wheezy hybrid, meaning I had packages from all three
releases. They are now all updated to Jessie or testing.
Post by Tom Fowle
If so were there any problems? Does jessie come up talking after the
No, everything works fine. I should say here that I'm still using kernel
2.6.32 though. I purposely didn't upgrade my kernel because I didn't want
to lose hardware speech. If you keep an old kernel, put a hold on the udev
package and don't switch to systemd.
Tom Fowle
2015-08-02 02:08:33 UTC
Thanks, I'll keep all that in mind.

As I think I understand, the newer kernels have a problem with serial ports,
not internal hardware synths. I'm not enthusiastic about upgrading without
doing the entire thing, beyond my capabilities.
Post by Tony Baechler
Replies inline below.
Post by Tom Fowle
Has anybody yet got round to upgrading Debian from Wheezie to Jessie while
using speakup and a hardware synth E.G. doubletalk PC?
Yes, I have upgraded my desktop machine. Actually I was still
running a Lenny, Squeeze and Wheezy hybrid, meaning I had packages
from all three releases. They are now all updated to Jessie or
Post by Tom Fowle
If so were there any problems? Does jessie come up talking after the
No, everything works fine. I should say here that I'm still using
kernel 2.6.32 though. I purposely didn't upgrade my kernel because
I didn't want to lose hardware speech. If you keep an old kernel,
put a hold on the udev package and don't switch to systemd.
Speakup mailing list
Tony Baechler
2015-05-18 08:07:42 UTC
What kernel are you running? I had no problems upgrading to Jessie on a
couple of servers here, but unless something changed recently, kernels after
2.6.32 don't seem to work with hardware speech. Of course you aren't using
a serial synth, so maybe it'll be fine for you. The upgrade went fairly
smooth for the most part and I would recommend upgrading. Be aware that the
default init is now systemd which has a lot of dependencies, so if you want
to stay with sysvinit or upstart, keep that in mind. One server is only
accessed with ssh, so it has no speech on it at all. The other is my
regular desktop machine, but I kept my 2.6.32 kernel due to the lack of
serial synth support in newer kernels. I didn't want to upgrade udev, dbus,
etc, so I kept sysvinit on my desktop, but the remote server got a new
Jessie install with systemd and it seems fine. I did upgrade from Wheezy to
testing, but due to unrelated circumstances, it got a fresh install, however
that had nothing to do with Jessie or any Debian problems. Good luck and
let us know how it goes.
Post by Tom Fowle
finally realized Debian 8.0 Jessie is released.
I see nothing in a quick perusal of the release notes effecting
or anything else i care about, but-----
Using an old 1.3 gig Asus P2b with doubletalk PC internal.
Are there any risks in just doing a straight upgrade from currently
installed recently updated wheezie using
apt-get upgrade
Should I worry about backing up much, not really anything critical on
2015-05-18 14:10:26 UTC

I've done a fresh Jessie install. That went fine with speech, I've got
a console distro going that now I'd like to add the mate desktop to
and set it up so I can graphically log in. If anyone has this working
I'd appreciate some tips as I've been over the mate wiki which doesn't
seem to be working.

Post by Tony Baechler
What kernel are you running? I had no problems upgrading to Jessie on a
couple of servers here, but unless something changed recently, kernels after
2.6.32 don't seem to work with hardware speech. Of course you aren't using
a serial synth, so maybe it'll be fine for you. The upgrade went fairly
smooth for the most part and I would recommend upgrading. Be aware that the
default init is now systemd which has a lot of dependencies, so if you want
to stay with sysvinit or upstart, keep that in mind. One server is only
accessed with ssh, so it has no speech on it at all. The other is my
regular desktop machine, but I kept my 2.6.32 kernel due to the lack of
serial synth support in newer kernels. I didn't want to upgrade udev, dbus,
etc, so I kept sysvinit on my desktop, but the remote server got a new
Jessie install with systemd and it seems fine. I did upgrade from Wheezy to
testing, but due to unrelated circumstances, it got a fresh install, however
that had nothing to do with Jessie or any Debian problems. Good luck and
let us know how it goes.
Post by Tom Fowle
finally realized Debian 8.0 Jessie is released.
I see nothing in a quick perusal of the release notes effecting
or anything else i care about, but-----
Using an old 1.3 gig Asus P2b with doubletalk PC internal.
Are there any risks in just doing a straight upgrade from currently
installed recently updated wheezie using
apt-get upgrade
Should I worry about backing up much, not really anything critical on
Speakup mailing list
2015-05-18 15:10:07 UTC
I never did get Orca working with a window manager like lightm, after
installing it from an already installed system. What I had to do was do a
fresh install of debian. I used blrtty, which allowed me to have
accessibility in the desktop later. I got speech in the login screen, after
the fresh install, but I don't know how that was done, so that I can
duplicate the steps without having to do a brand new install on my other
linux box.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Techswing33" <***@gmail.com>
To: "Speakup is a screen review system for Linux."
Sent: Monday, May 18, 2015 9:10 AM
Subject: Re: Debian upgrade to Jessie
Post by Mike Ray
I've done a fresh Jessie install. That went fine with speech, I've got
a console distro going that now I'd like to add the mate desktop to
and set it up so I can graphically log in. If anyone has this working
I'd appreciate some tips as I've been over the mate wiki which doesn't
seem to be working.
Post by Tony Baechler
What kernel are you running? I had no problems upgrading to Jessie on a
couple of servers here, but unless something changed recently, kernels after
2.6.32 don't seem to work with hardware speech. Of course you aren't using
a serial synth, so maybe it'll be fine for you. The upgrade went fairly
smooth for the most part and I would recommend upgrading. Be aware that the
default init is now systemd which has a lot of dependencies, so if you want
to stay with sysvinit or upstart, keep that in mind. One server is only
accessed with ssh, so it has no speech on it at all. The other is my
regular desktop machine, but I kept my 2.6.32 kernel due to the lack of
serial synth support in newer kernels. I didn't want to upgrade udev, dbus,
etc, so I kept sysvinit on my desktop, but the remote server got a new
Jessie install with systemd and it seems fine. I did upgrade from Wheezy to
testing, but due to unrelated circumstances, it got a fresh install, however
that had nothing to do with Jessie or any Debian problems. Good luck and
let us know how it goes.
Post by Tom Fowle
finally realized Debian 8.0 Jessie is released.
I see nothing in a quick perusal of the release notes effecting
or anything else i care about, but-----
Using an old 1.3 gig Asus P2b with doubletalk PC internal.
Are there any risks in just doing a straight upgrade from currently
installed recently updated wheezie using
apt-get upgrade
Should I worry about backing up much, not really anything critical on
Speakup mailing list
Speakup mailing list
2015-05-18 15:15:36 UTC

Thanks. I guess that's what I'll have to do.

Post by Rob
I never did get Orca working with a window manager like lightm, after
installing it from an already installed system. What I had to do was do a
fresh install of debian. I used blrtty, which allowed me to have
accessibility in the desktop later. I got speech in the login screen, after
the fresh install, but I don't know how that was done, so that I can
duplicate the steps without having to do a brand new install on my other
linux box.
----- Original Message -----
To: "Speakup is a screen review system for Linux."
Sent: Monday, May 18, 2015 9:10 AM
Subject: Re: Debian upgrade to Jessie
Post by Mike Ray
I've done a fresh Jessie install. That went fine with speech, I've got
a console distro going that now I'd like to add the mate desktop to
and set it up so I can graphically log in. If anyone has this working
I'd appreciate some tips as I've been over the mate wiki which doesn't
seem to be working.
Post by Tony Baechler
What kernel are you running? I had no problems upgrading to Jessie on a
couple of servers here, but unless something changed recently, kernels after
2.6.32 don't seem to work with hardware speech. Of course you aren't using
a serial synth, so maybe it'll be fine for you. The upgrade went fairly
smooth for the most part and I would recommend upgrading. Be aware that the
default init is now systemd which has a lot of dependencies, so if you want
to stay with sysvinit or upstart, keep that in mind. One server is only
accessed with ssh, so it has no speech on it at all. The other is my
regular desktop machine, but I kept my 2.6.32 kernel due to the lack of
serial synth support in newer kernels. I didn't want to upgrade udev, dbus,
etc, so I kept sysvinit on my desktop, but the remote server got a new
Jessie install with systemd and it seems fine. I did upgrade from Wheezy
testing, but due to unrelated circumstances, it got a fresh install, however
that had nothing to do with Jessie or any Debian problems. Good luck and
let us know how it goes.
Post by Tom Fowle
finally realized Debian 8.0 Jessie is released.
I see nothing in a quick perusal of the release notes effecting
or anything else i care about, but-----
Using an old 1.3 gig Asus P2b with doubletalk PC internal.
Are there any risks in just doing a straight upgrade from currently
installed recently updated wheezie using
apt-get upgrade
Should I worry about backing up much, not really anything critical on
Speakup mailing list
Speakup mailing list
Speakup mailing list
Samuel Thibault
2015-05-18 15:16:56 UTC

The documentation for debian accessibility is available on


Brian Buhrow
2015-05-19 17:45:51 UTC
hello John. In general, I agree with you. I doubt there's a machine
that's really too slow to run software speech. However, having said that,
I have a pentium II which runs at 233MHZ and has 128MB of RAM. It runs
software speech just fine, running eflite. However, It's not particularly
fun to use because the latency is too long. It's hard to get it to stop
talking and get it to restart on a dime and so using it is a bit slow.
It's perfectly functional, but, as I say, not fun to use. As a digital
recording device, however, it's beautiful and I've used it to capture the
audio at 8 California state conventions now.
John G Heim
2015-05-19 17:55:52 UTC
Yes, I did leave off the point that you might have to use espeak. It
didn't occur to me that anybody would use anything other than espeak
with speakup. Actually, you can probably use voxim too which has even
lower latency than espeak. Well, maybe I shouldn't make such a
definitive statement. When I used voxim last, it's latency was even
lower than espeak on my machine.
Post by Brian Buhrow
hello John. In general, I agree with you. I doubt there's a machine
that's really too slow to run software speech. However, having said that,
I have a pentium II which runs at 233MHZ and has 128MB of RAM. It runs
software speech just fine, running eflite. However, It's not particularly
fun to use because the latency is too long. It's hard to get it to stop
talking and get it to restart on a dime and so using it is a bit slow.
It's perfectly functional, but, as I say, not fun to use. As a digital
recording device, however, it's beautiful and I've used it to capture the
audio at 8 California state conventions now.
Speakup mailing list
John Heim, ***@math.wisc.edu, skype:john.g.heim