Announcing kernel 4.3.3 with serial speech
Tony Baechler
2016-02-27 11:24:08 UTC

As the subject says, I've now built 64-bit unofficial Debian kernel 4.3.3
packages with working serial synth support. I haven't built 32-bit packages
at this time, but I will if I get enough requests and assuming the 64-bit
packages work. I tested the kernel image here and my DECtalk Express talked,
but actual testing has been minimal. Thanks to Samuel Thibault, John Covici
and John Heim for their help. Before you download, please read and agree to
the following:

1. These packages are provided as-is and are totally unsupported. If
something breaks, I'm interested in knowing about it, but I probably won't
fix it. It works here more or less.

2. Make sure not to load any other Speakup modules once the serial synth
driver is loaded. Specifically, I had speakup_dectlk in my initramfs and
speakup_soft in /etc/modules. The system locked up during boot until
speakup_soft was commented out. Double check both /etc/modules and
/etc/initramfs-tools/modules on Debian-based systems to make sure you aren't
loading multiple synths.

3. While these packages are built with make-kpkg and should work on both
Debian and Ubuntu, they haven't been tested at all on Ubuntu and are not
official packages. Therefore, there is no security support and you use them
entirely at your own risk.

There is currently no apt repository. All you need is the kernel-image
package, but kernel-headers, kernel-image-dbg, etc are provided for
completeness. Checksums can be found in the .dsc file. Here is the download


If there is enough demand and interest, I could set up an automated build
system as new stable kernels are released, but this is a low priority. At
least there is a recent kernel which supports hardware speech.
Tony Baechler, founder, Baechler Access Technology Services
Putting accessibility at the forefront of technology
Phone: 1-619-746-8310 SMS text: 1-619-375-2545
Dietmar Segbert
2016-02-28 08:52:00 UTC

thanks for your Work.

I am interested in a 32-bit Kernel of 4.3.x or 3.16.0.x. I have a Apollo
II from Dolphin.


