Latest Speakup patches on 4.10.7 kernel, kernel packages updated
Tony Baechler
2017-05-03 10:07:50 UTC
In my brief tests, the latest patches seem to fix the long delay when
stopping speech. I tried with a lot of text output and speech stopped
immediately when I pressed Numpad-Enter. I'm using a DECtalk Express. Thanks
for fixing this; it's much appreciated!

I've updated my Debian 4.10.7 kernel packages with the latest patches from
speakup2.tgz. They can be found here:


Look for the -2 packages. They worked fine on my system, but as always, no
warranty. The problem with speech not working in other consoles was a local
system problem which isn't related.
Okash Khawaja
2017-05-03 10:22:12 UTC
Thanks Tony! Great news.

It was Samuel's idea. I just implemented the fix.
In my brief tests, the latest patches seem to fix the long delay when stopping speech. I tried with a lot of text output and speech stopped immediately when I pressed Numpad-Enter. I'm using a DECtalk Express. Thanks for fixing this; it's much appreciated!
Look for the -2 packages. They worked fine on my system, but as always, no warranty. The problem with speech not working in other consoles was a local system problem which isn't related.
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