espeakup stops speaking
Frank Carmickle
2018-07-13 20:11:18 UTC
Hi all,

For a very long time now I’ve been operating with a then Jessie, now Stretch, VMware Fusion virtual machine as my main everyday Linux box. I have a need for some things in sid and so I thought I’d update another vm image that I had kicking around. Both of these images, built from very different install media, and with lots of time in between, I had held the following packages, due to speech just stopping, requiring to restart espeakup.


I’m trying to remember exactly why I had held libasound back also. I believe that it was due to sluggishness in flushing the audio buffer, not being able to stop speech quickly enough.

Last week I decided to unhold these packages on a sid system and I found that things still hadn’t improved. I am finding it hard to believe that this would be happening to everyone. Does anyone have any ideas? I see nothing in the logs and it doesn’t appear that espeakup is crashing. It is happening with both espeak and espeak-ng current in sid.

Thank you very much for any ideas.
Janina Sajka
2018-07-14 10:20:58 UTC
Hi, Frank:

Yours truly successfully upgraded both espeakup and speech-dispatcher to
use espeak-ng just a couple weeks ago. It was not a smooth upgrade, but
it was ultimately very successful and I'm fully functional with snappy
performance from both Speakup and Orca, to say nothing of Fenrir--which
is worth a look in your copious spare time. Always good to have a backup
screen reader around, but I digress.

I mentioned issues upgrading to use espeak-ng. I knew I'd need to use
espeakup-git and speech-dispatcher-git for that, both of which had
compile issues on my system. I was helped y bdier Spaier on the Orca
list. Head of email thread for that conversation is at:


BTW: Dieder has released a grub handling script that looks really useful
in the past several days:


If I understand the above, it mods grub to play a unique tune for each
grub entry on boot. And, the script itself allows reordering grub
entries, or creating a bootable USB.


Post by Frank Carmickle
Hi all,
For a very long time now I’ve been operating with a then Jessie, now Stretch, VMware Fusion virtual machine as my main everyday Linux box. I have a need for some things in sid and so I thought I’d update another vm image that I had kicking around. Both of these images, built from very different install media, and with lots of time in between, I had held the following packages, due to speech just stopping, requiring to restart espeakup.
I’m trying to remember exactly why I had held libasound back also. I believe that it was due to sluggishness in flushing the audio buffer, not being able to stop speech quickly enough.
Last week I decided to unhold these packages on a sid system and I found that things still hadn’t improved. I am finding it hard to believe that this would be happening to everyone. Does anyone have any ideas? I see nothing in the logs and it doesn’t appear that espeakup is crashing. It is happening with both espeak and espeak-ng current in sid.
Thank you very much for any ideas.
Speakup mailing list
Janina Sajka

Linux Foundation Fellow
Executive Chair, Accessibility Workgroup: http://a11y.org

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
Chair, Accessible Platform Architectures http://www.w3.org/wai/apa