my Dectalk Express speakup woes
Rudy Vener
2018-02-19 17:50:01 UTC
I'm connecting my Dectalk Express to the DB-9 pin connector on my PC serial card using
a standard RS-232 serial cable. There is no USB involved here.
This is the same plain old serial port I used to hook up
to my talking VT100 talking terminal with a null modem cable.
This is the serial port that DOS knows as COM1, and that most linux
systems know as /dev/ttyS0.

I can redirect text to /dev/ttyS0
and my Dectalk speaks it with no problem. As a matter of fact, I wrote a PERL script
to let me navigate through a text file and listen to it with Dectalk
instead of Espeak.

This isn't as good as getting Dectalk working with speakup, but
for now, it's all I've got.

Subject: Re: Speakup Digest, Vol 173, Issue 9
Are you connecting your Dectalk Express to a physical serial port from the motherboard, or are you trying to use some kind of USB to serial adaptor or other gadget? If the latter, you will most definitely need a kernel upgrade. Are you able to send txt to the synthesizer by echoing it to /dev/ttyS0?
Rudy Vener
Website: http://www.rudyvener.com