speakup with usb keyboard and no monitor?
2017-06-01 20:54:24 UTC
Sorry if this is a bit off topic. Essentially this is a linux configuration question.

I have built and installed and can insmod speakup.ko and speakup_soft.ko on my $9 getchip.com computer.

The board has no video connection but I can plug in and have a USB keyboard detected.

I'm wondering how to configure things so that a console is present which speakup will speak but that I can type in with the USB keyboard.

Jude DaShiell
2017-06-01 23:04:56 UTC
I have no problem using talkingarch linux that way but have a monitor
attached now. That particular flavor of linux will operate with or
without a monitor. Others I have tried aren't nearly so reasonable. If
you have another usb port available, you could get a monitor that will
connect by usb or any of the other connectors like dvi or vga or hdmi
and get an adapter for usb and your connection type and then be able to
attach a monitor anyway. Another possibility that I suggest you have
checked out in a shop if the machine has a single usb port is to buy a
usb hub too and attach the hub to the computer then attach the keyboard
and monitor to the hub. Real good to make certain it works before
buying it though.
Date: Thu, 1 Jun 2017 16:54:24
Reply-To: Speakup is a screen review system for Linux.
Subject: speakup with usb keyboard and no monitor?
Sorry if this is a bit off topic. Essentially this is a linux configuration question.
I have built and installed and can insmod speakup.ko and speakup_soft.ko on my $9 getchip.com computer.
The board has no video connection but I can plug in and have a USB keyboard detected.
I'm wondering how to configure things so that a console is present which speakup will speak but that I can type in with the USB keyboard.
Speakup mailing list
Gregory Nowak
2017-06-02 00:31:54 UTC
I had a quick look at that site. You didn't say which model you got,
but the basic chip looks like it has a composite out. So, there's
somewhere that it would send video to. That must mean that it presents
a text console, or could maybe even work via framebuffer. With either
of those, it should be enough to attach a usb keyboard, modprobe
speakup_soft, start espeakup or speechdup, and you should be set to
go. I didn't see anything about the sound on this device. If it
doesn't have built-in audio, or the built-in audio is junk, you'll
want to get a usb sound card.

Post by c***@unreasonablefarm.org
Sorry if this is a bit off topic. Essentially this is a linux configuration question.
I have built and installed and can insmod speakup.ko and speakup_soft.ko on my $9 getchip.com computer.
The board has no video connection but I can plug in and have a USB keyboard detected.
I'm wondering how to configure things so that a console is present which speakup will speak but that I can type in with the USB keyboard.
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2017-06-02 05:05:28 UTC
I hooked up the composite and there was a console! I logged in with the
USB keyboard and the as root dis insmod speakup and speakup_soft then
ran espeakup then hit spk(ins/0) enter to.turn speakup on and off. Works

Thanks for all the help folks. Really enjoy speakup.
