cannot load speakup_decext module
Rudy Vener
2018-02-14 18:44:48 UTC
Hi all,

I am trying to use my Dectalk external (old) with my Vinux speakup system.
Hoever, executing
modprobe speakup_decext ser=0
results in:
modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'speakup_decext': No such device

At this point speakup stops talking, the /speakup/synth file contains "none"
and the speakup var system does not contain a decext subdirectory,
and changing the synth file to contain decext does not work.

So, at that point, I reboot to resurrect speakup using espeak.

At the moment, my Dectalk is connected to the /dev/ttyS0 port, and it speaks
any text I write to the port. But this is no substitute for it working
with speakup.

Executing modinfo speakup_decext
filename: /lib/modules/4.4.0-36-generic/kernel/drivers/staging/speakup/speakup_decext.ko
version: 2.14
license: GPL
description: Speakup support for DECtalk External synthesizers
author: David Borowski
author: Kirk Reiser <***@braille.uwo.ca>
srcversion: 46ED8AA54EDEE108A987806
depends: speakup
staging: Y
intree: Y
vermagic: 4.4.0-36-generic SMP mod_unload modversions 686
parm: ser:Set the serial port for the synthesizer (0-based). (int)
parm: start:Start the synthesizer once it is loaded. (short)

Also, executing modprobe speakup_decext ser=0 returns the same no such device error message.

Executing modprobe -n -v speakup_decext returns:
insmod /lib/modules/4.4.0-36-generic/kernel/drivers/staging/speakup/speakup_decext.ko

modprobe speakup_decext ser=0 start=1
gives me the same results, silence and I need to reboot.

Any suggestions how to get the decext module to load?
Rudy Vener
Website: http://www.rudyvener.com
Gregory Nowak
2018-02-14 20:59:44 UTC
You will need to upgrade your kernel. I believe the fixed external
synth support became available in 4.14 and higher, but don't quote me
on that.

Post by Rudy Vener
Hi all,
I am trying to use my Dectalk external (old) with my Vinux speakup system.
Hoever, executing
modprobe speakup_decext ser=0
modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'speakup_decext': No such device
At this point speakup stops talking, the /speakup/synth file contains "none"
and the speakup var system does not contain a decext subdirectory,
and changing the synth file to contain decext does not work.
So, at that point, I reboot to resurrect speakup using espeak.
At the moment, my Dectalk is connected to the /dev/ttyS0 port, and it speaks
any text I write to the port. But this is no substitute for it working
with speakup.
Executing modinfo speakup_decext
filename: /lib/modules/4.4.0-36-generic/kernel/drivers/staging/speakup/speakup_decext.ko
version: 2.14
license: GPL
description: Speakup support for DECtalk External synthesizers
author: David Borowski
srcversion: 46ED8AA54EDEE108A987806
depends: speakup
staging: Y
intree: Y
vermagic: 4.4.0-36-generic SMP mod_unload modversions 686
parm: ser:Set the serial port for the synthesizer (0-based). (int)
parm: start:Start the synthesizer once it is loaded. (short)
Also, executing modprobe speakup_decext ser=0 returns the same no such device error message.
insmod /lib/modules/4.4.0-36-generic/kernel/drivers/staging/speakup/speakup_decext.ko
modprobe speakup_decext ser=0 start=1
gives me the same results, silence and I need to reboot.
Any suggestions how to get the decext module to load?
Rudy Vener
Website: http://www.rudyvener.com
Speakup mailing list
web site: http://www.gregn.net
gpg public key: http://www.gregn.net/pubkey.asc
skype: gregn1
(authorization required, add me to your contacts list first)
If we haven't been in touch before, e-mail me before adding me to your contacts.

Free domains: http://www.eu.org/ or mail dns-***@EU.org
Rudy Vener
2018-02-15 22:28:16 UTC
Hi Greg and all,

My vinux release and Linux kernal version are below.

Vinux 5.1 LTS \n \l

Linux kernal:

Does this mean that the kernal is not the culprit?

Post by Gregory Nowak
You will need to upgrade your kernel. I believe the fixed external
synth support became available in 4.14 and higher, but don't quote me
on that.
Rudy Vener
Website: http://www.rudyvener.com
Gregory Nowak
2018-02-15 22:40:37 UTC
Since 4.4.0 is older than 4.14.x, the kernel likely is the culprit.

Post by Rudy Vener
Hi Greg and all,
My vinux release and Linux kernal version are below.
Vinux 5.1 LTS \n \l
Does this mean that the kernal is not the culprit?
web site: http://www.gregn.net
gpg public key: http://www.gregn.net/pubkey.asc
skype: gregn1
(authorization required, add me to your contacts list first)
If we haven't been in touch before, e-mail me before adding me to your contacts.

Free domains: http://www.eu.org/ or mail dns-***@EU.org
Gregory Nowak
2018-02-16 04:52:42 UTC
Hi again.

I've just been looking into this, since someone else asked me about
speakup also. You need at least kernel 4.13 to take advantage of the
new serial synthesizer support, see:


Post by Gregory Nowak
Since 4.4.0 is older than 4.14.x, the kernel likely is the culprit.
web site: http://www.gregn.net
gpg public key: http://www.gregn.net/pubkey.asc
skype: gregn1
(authorization required, add me to your contacts list first)
If we haven't been in touch before, e-mail me before adding me to your contacts.

Free domains: http://www.eu.org/ or mail dns-***@EU.org
Rudy Vener
2018-02-16 18:05:05 UTC
Greg, all,

Whoops. Miscommunication here. My Dectalk Express External is the old model, using
the old RS-232 serial port with the DB-9 pin connector, not the new USB Dectalk.

Does this mean the speakup_decext module is for the
USB version?

If so, which module do I need for the old Dectalkkkk external?

Sorry for all this confusion, but I am new to speakup.

Post by Gregory Nowak
Hi again.
I've just been looking into this, since someone else asked me about
speakup also. You need at least kernel 4.13 to take advantage of the
Post by Gregory Nowak
Since 4.4.0 is older than 4.14.x, the kernel likely is the culprit.
Rudy Vener
Website: http://www.rudyvener.com
Zachary Kline
2018-02-16 18:10:04 UTC

If your model is, indeed, a DecTalk Express, you need the speakup_dectlk module, not the speakup_decext module. The latter is for the pre-Express original Dectalk, which I’ve never actually seen. Hopefully this goes some way towards solving your problem.
Post by Rudy Vener
Greg, all,
Whoops. Miscommunication here. My Dectalk Express External is the old model, using
the old RS-232 serial port with the DB-9 pin connector, not the new USB Dectalk.
Does this mean the speakup_decext module is for the
USB version?
If so, which module do I need for the old Dectalkkkk external?
Sorry for all this confusion, but I am new to speakup.
Post by Gregory Nowak
Hi again.
I've just been looking into this, since someone else asked me about
speakup also. You need at least kernel 4.13 to take advantage of the
Post by Gregory Nowak
Since 4.4.0 is older than 4.14.x, the kernel likely is the culprit.
Rudy Vener
Website: http://www.rudyvener.com
Speakup mailing list
Rudy Vener
2018-02-18 00:42:33 UTC
My synthesizer says Digital DecTalk Express on its case.
It is a flat, rectangular box about eight inches by four inches by
one inch high. It has a cable with a DB-9F connector that plugs
into an external RS-232 Serial port.
It has a volume control, a built in speaker, and a headphone

I thought this was an external Dectalk Express because it sat
outside the PC and does not plug into an expansion slot.

I thought the speakup_dectlk module was for the Dectalk Express
cards that did plug into PC expansion slots.

But now I am just confused. It does not take much to confuse me.

If there is someone out there who is using a Dectalk like the
one I just described with speakup, please contact
me, and tell me how you did it.

Thank you.

If your model is, indeed, a DecTalk Express, you need the speakup_dectlk module, not the speakup_decext module. The latter is for the pre-Express original Dectalk, which I???ve never actually seen. Hopefully this goes some way towards solving your problem.
Rudy Vener
Website: http://www.rudyvener.com
Chime Hart
2018-02-18 01:06:28 UTC
Well Rudy: Yes it seems we are both useing the same DecTalk, but for now you
must flip the switch to rs232 mode. In Ubuntu text mode it came up talking, but
we had trouble in Debian9. Sorry I know little about these drivers. For many
years since I got this unit in 2004 or so, the pitch, rate, and volume drop
suddenly while I am arrowing around while reviewing the screen. I must then go
through the controll-pannel and ajust these 3 setting up-and-down by 1 click,
they are normal again, but its really easy sometimes twice in 30seconds to have
these values drop. But when I examine what each value is set to, they are
correct, even though changes have happened. Anyway, hope that helps some
Paul Loba
2018-02-18 02:42:33 UTC
This link helped me to setup successfully my Apollo II synth:
Post by Rudy Vener
My synthesizer says Digital DecTalk Express on its case.
It is a flat, rectangular box about eight inches by four inches by
one inch high. It has a cable with a DB-9F connector that plugs
into an external RS-232 Serial port.
It has a volume control, a built in speaker, and a headphone
I thought this was an external Dectalk Express because it sat
outside the PC and does not plug into an expansion slot.
I thought the speakup_dectlk module was for the Dectalk Express
cards that did plug into PC expansion slots.
But now I am just confused. It does not take much to confuse me.
If there is someone out there who is using a Dectalk like the
one I just described with speakup, please contact
me, and tell me how you did it.
Thank you.
Post by Zachary Kline
If your model is, indeed, a DecTalk Express, you need the speakup_dectlk
module, not the speakup_decext module. The latter is for the pre-Express
original Dectalk, which I???ve never actually seen. Hopefully this goes
some way towards solving your problem.
Rudy Vener
Website: http://www.rudyvener.com
Speakup mailing list
Zachary Kline
2018-02-18 07:51:40 UTC

As I said, you need the speakup_dectlk module. The Dectalk Express is an exclusively serial device. The internal board you’re thinking of was called the Dectalk PC, and uses an entirely unrelated Speakup driver.
You might also want to look into upgrading your kernel, as there was apparently some problem with serial polling which was resolved in the later builds.

Post by Rudy Vener
My synthesizer says Digital DecTalk Express on its case.
It is a flat, rectangular box about eight inches by four inches by
one inch high. It has a cable with a DB-9F connector that plugs
into an external RS-232 Serial port.
It has a volume control, a built in speaker, and a headphone
I thought this was an external Dectalk Express because it sat
outside the PC and does not plug into an expansion slot.
I thought the speakup_dectlk module was for the Dectalk Express
cards that did plug into PC expansion slots.
But now I am just confused. It does not take much to confuse me.
If there is someone out there who is using a Dectalk like the
one I just described with speakup, please contact
me, and tell me how you did it.
Thank you.
If your model is, indeed, a DecTalk Express, you need the speakup_dectlk module, not the speakup_decext module. The latter is for the pre-Express original Dectalk, which I???ve never actually seen. Hopefully this goes some way towards solving your problem.
Rudy Vener
Website: http://www.rudyvener.com
Speakup mailing list