udev rules to load speakup drivers
John G Heim
2016-08-03 16:14:45 UTC

I wrote some udev rules for loading speakup drivers for synths that have
a USB connection. Speakup does not speak through the USB port but udev
can load the speakup drivers if it sees a hardware synth on a USB port.
Right now, it works only for the Access Solutions Tripletalk and Dectalk
synths. If anyone wants to send me the manufacturer and product ID
strings for other synths, I'd be glad to add them. You can download my
udev rules file thusly:

$ sudo wget -O /etc/udev/rules.d/10-speakup.rules

This morning I took a fresh debian install, installed the kernel from my
iavit.org web site, configured these udev rules, and rebooted and my
machine came up talking with my Tripletalk synth. Very nice.

The next thing I'd like to do is remaster a grml iso with my patched
kernel and these udev rules. That would give us a live distro that would
come up talking via a hardware synth.
John G. Heim; ***@math.wisc.edu; sip://***@sip.linphone.org
Zachary Kline
2016-08-03 16:20:54 UTC

May I ask how one could use this to get Speakup talking via the Dectalk USB? The impression I got is that the driver will only work with physical serial ports. Thus, this is only really useful if one wants to connect the synth via both USB and physical serial at the same time.

If I’m wrong, and this will work with USB to serial adaptors, I’d love to be corrected.
$ sudo wget -O /etc/udev/rules.d/10-speakup.rules http://www.iavit.org/~john/debian/10-speakup.rules
This morning I took a fresh debian install, installed the kernel from my iavit.org web site, configured these udev rules, and rebooted and my machine came up talking with my Tripletalk synth. Very nice.
The next thing I'd like to do is remaster a grml iso with my patched kernel and these udev rules. That would give us a live distro that would come up talking via a hardware synth.
Speakup mailing list
John G Heim
2016-08-03 16:48:27 UTC
Speakup speaks only via a serial port as far as I know. These rules
trick the udev subsystem into loading a speakup module for the serial
port by detecting it on the USB port. So, yes, you have to plug your
hardware synth into both the serial and USB ports. But you don't have to
log in and type the modprobe command without speech.
Post by Zachary Kline
May I ask how one could use this to get Speakup talking via the Dectalk USB? The impression I got is that the driver will only work with physical serial ports. Thus, this is only really useful if one wants to connect the synth via both USB and physical serial at the same time.
If I’m wrong, and this will work with USB to serial adaptors, I’d love to be corrected.
$ sudo wget -O /etc/udev/rules.d/10-speakup.rules http://www.iavit.org/~john/debian/10-speakup.rules
This morning I took a fresh debian install, installed the kernel from my iavit.org web site, configured these udev rules, and rebooted and my machine came up talking with my Tripletalk synth. Very nice.
The next thing I'd like to do is remaster a grml iso with my patched kernel and these udev rules. That would give us a live distro that would come up talking via a hardware synth.
Speakup mailing list
John G. Heim; ***@math.wisc.edu; sip://***@sip.linphone.org
Hart Larry
2016-08-03 17:40:07 UTC
Speaking of the DecTalk U S B, I suppose I am an only one who still has in an
instant, volume, pitch, and rate drop, suddenly while arrowing in the review
pannel. As I've pointed out for many of the 11years I've had this issue, I must
go up to those individual settings, move each one a click, then it sounds
reasonably normal again. I also prefer a more inflective sound, so I must become
root and type
echo "[:dv pr 250]" >> /sys/accessibility/speakup/synth_direct
If only there were a way of beginning a log of what commands are sent to this
unit, not only would many of you know what changes we would need to make, but
the gentleman from Axsol Solutions would be able to help, but he says he doesn't
know much about Linux.
Not to beat a dead horse, but you have no idea how `frustrating it is nearly
each hour to have to fix this. If there were some other equally as good speech
engine in a strictly console setting, I would certainly try it. I like that
Android type speech, but I guess thats only in graphical. Many years ago the
late Bill Acker ran Elequence on my machine, but the volume was quite lo. I also
like some of the SAPI4 voices, but I suppose there are no ways of running Mary
in Linux? Thanks so much in advance-and-eventually I will be trying Tony
Baechler's 64bit image.
Jude DaShiell
2016-08-03 19:12:13 UTC
You could probably put that echo command into a script file if you have
sudo running so sudo does not ask for passwords. And you may be able to
put that into an alias you load in .bashrc too. Has anyone tried
redirecting stderr to stdout then touching a dt.log file and sending all
stdout output to that dt.log file as dectalk starts up perhaps using
verbose output for dectalk if such an option exists when starting
dectalk up yet?
Date: Wed, 3 Aug 2016 13:40:07
Reply-To: Speakup is a screen review system for Linux.
Subject: Re: udev rules to load speakup drivers
Speaking of the DecTalk U S B, I suppose I am an only one who still has in an
instant, volume, pitch, and rate drop, suddenly while arrowing in the review
pannel. As I've pointed out for many of the 11years I've had this issue, I must
go up to those individual settings, move each one a click, then it sounds
reasonably normal again. I also prefer a more inflective sound, so I must become
root and type
echo "[:dv pr 250]" >> /sys/accessibility/speakup/synth_direct
If only there were a way of beginning a log of what commands are sent to this
unit, not only would many of you know what changes we would need to make, but
the gentleman from Axsol Solutions would be able to help, but he says he doesn't
know much about Linux.
Not to beat a dead horse, but you have no idea how `frustrating it is nearly
each hour to have to fix this. If there were some other equally as good speech
engine in a strictly console setting, I would certainly try it. I like that
Android type speech, but I guess thats only in graphical. Many years ago the
late Bill Acker ran Elequence on my machine, but the volume was quite lo. I also
like some of the SAPI4 voices, but I suppose there are no ways of running Mary
in Linux? Thanks so much in advance-and-eventually I will be trying Tony
Baechler's 64bit image.
Speakup mailing list
Hart Larry
2016-08-03 19:42:22 UTC
Thanks Jude: Actually Tony made me a little fixvoice script, but while it will
take care of many of these rat, pitch, ETC, it won't run that echo command
because I am not always root. I am in TCSH and root seem to time out in less
than an hour. I think su is a builtin shell command in TCSH. Thanks so
much-and-hopefully some others enthusiasts of DecTalk will please answer your
other suggestion.
Jude DaShiell
2016-08-03 21:27:42 UTC
That's why you need as root just once to do something like:
echo 'larryh ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL' >>/etc/sudoers
then log out and log back in again on the larryh account and type:
sudo -H -i <enter>
and see what happens or:
sudo -H 'echo command' for single commands say like inside scripts and
Date: Wed, 3 Aug 2016 15:42:22
Reply-To: Speakup is a screen review system for Linux.
Subject: Re: udev rules to load speakup drivers
Thanks Jude: Actually Tony made me a little fixvoice script, but while it will
take care of many of these rat, pitch, ETC, it won't run that echo command
because I am not always root. I am in TCSH and root seem to time out in less
than an hour. I think su is a builtin shell command in TCSH. Thanks so
much-and-hopefully some others enthusiasts of DecTalk will please answer your
other suggestion.
Speakup mailing list
