Loss pf speech in speakup when switching from gui
Keith Barrett
2018-10-02 16:11:29 UTC

Has any one else noticed this:

Debian buster updated as of 1 October 2018.

Pulseaudio purged from system.
System starts with Orca and speakup working.
Switching between speakup in the console and the desktop eventually
cause speakup to stop speaking.


Chris Brannon
2018-10-08 01:57:35 UTC
Post by Keith Barrett
Switching between speakup in the console and the desktop eventually
cause speakup to stop speaking.
A friend of mine had a very similar issue. Speakup would stop working
when dropping back to the console after starting X. The setup was
different: Arch Linux with pulseaudio. He fixed it by removing
espeak-ng and installing the old espeak 1.48.04 package. He recompiled
his espeak to work with pulseaudio, since there's an outstanding bug in
the Arch Linux espeak package. I have no idea why this fixed his
problem; all I know is that it did.

He spent some time tracking it down. Speakup itself was not being
killed or disabled. You could tell that speakup was still functioning
by bouncing into the console and using the review keys. The review keys
were making the console bleeps that speakup makes, AKA speakup music.
The espeakup process was not dying. However, the combo of speakup and
espeakup was going silent.

Hope this is useful to you,
-- Chris
Samuel Thibault
2018-11-20 20:09:15 UTC
He fixed it by removing espeak-ng and installing the old espeak
1.48.04 package.
As mentioned in the other mail: this was indeed a bug in espeak-ng, now
fixed in the 1.49.2+dfsg-8 version.

Thanks for the information provided, it helped to manage to reproduce
and thus fix the issue!

